Why do Hips CLICK- and what you should be doing about it.
Hip clicks can be a sign of joint instability.
And should be addressed before joint pain begins.
What's in this Article:
Hip clicks- and what does it mean
#1 exercise to improve the hip clicks
When is it time to seek care
Do your hips click? While standing, getting up from a chair, or exercising?
There are MANY reasons why hips clicks.
Often times when you Google "Hip clicks" or tell your doctor about your hip clicking - you will get told about "Snapping hip syndrome". A clicking of a tendon over a bony ridge around the hip. Usually in the front or side of the hip.
What does it mean?
It can be:
-Hip flexor or quad muscle tendons moving over a bony ridge(in the front/groin)
-Iliotibial Band aka ITB moving over a body ridge or bursae (along the lateral side)
-Labral tear (can be felt in the groin or deep within the joint)
-Joint cavitation (a release of air in the joints like when you pop your knuckles).
Common examples when your hip will click:
- every time you move your knee and hip out to the side (away from midline)
-when performing exercises that challenge your hip range of motion ex. Leg circles, leg raises, ab exercises that involve your legs
-getting into 90/90 hip mobility positions
Clicking, clunking or snapping sounds of the hip or pelvis during Movement has ONE commonality - LACK OF CONTROL of the joints. Lack of control of the ball and hip socket of the hip and/or lack of control of the pelvis/SI joints.
Regardless of any label or condition you have been told or want to place on the noisy Hip, YOU CAN ALWAYS Improve Control. You truly can DO something about it.
#1 Exercise that anyone can do to reduce Hip clicks
Hip CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations)
This movement pattern is designed to bring your hip through its fullest range within YOUR active control. And that's the key- ACTIVE control. Often times when the hip is moved beyond its range of control- there's a click or clunk feeling. So let's fix it!!
How to perform a Hip CAR:
Be strict in the hip isolation- avoid movement of the pelvis and spine with strong core activation
Activate muscles everywhere in the body to radiate energy and intensity into the hip joint
Flex ankle up into Dorsiflexion to limit knee joint compensations
Breathe deeply and fully- using the breath to get you through the tough areas of control
Perform 3-5 reps, daily.
You will move through:
-Hip flexion, abduction, Internal Rotation & extension through one half of the pathway
-Hip Extension, External rotation, abduction & flexion to return hip to start position - that's 1 full rep
Here are 2 Follow-Along hip CAR videos performed on your Side and in Standing:
Side Lying Hip CARs
2. Standing Hip CARs
Go for 3 high quality Reps on Each Side! EVERYDAY
If the CARs feeling a little painful, reduce range and increase trunk/core stability!
At what point is it time to get seek care?
If you look at the list above of what a Hip click can mean- Hip Labral tear is listed and can require some attention.
A Hip Labral tear is a tear of the cartilage along the hip socket. This can also present like a Hip Impingement. Both of which can have the symptoms of PINCHING and pain within the groin area.
Moving properly and pain free during Hip CARs is most important- to avoid further irritation, inflammation and injury to the capsule and surrounding tendons/soft tissue.
If you find yourself experiencing sharp pinch or pain when getting out of a chair or bending over- and CAN NOT perform a Hip CAR without concern or pain = Seek guidance from your healthcare Professional and Movement Providers!
This does not mean you need medical intervention (surgery, injections or medication) BUT you will require personalized and professional guidance into training the hip to move in a pain-free way as you restore your fullest hip range of motion.
HOW to do this? Reach out to me - Doc of PT and Certified Mobility Movement Specialist! I offer FREE Discovery Calls to hear what exactly it is you are dealing with. My goal is to work with those that need one on one training, and eventually have you be independent enough to train your movement on your time through my on demand video library.
Or Reach out to your local PT or FRC certified Specialist. My word of advice: Be picky on WHO you work with- as a previous Physical Therapist in Corporate PT offices, be sure to ask if you will get "One on One guidance for at least 45 minutes of your care"!
If you find yourself not getting the care you need- keep looking!
I am here to help those that have ‘done it all and still not feeling as good as they want’. If this sounds like you- be sure to begin with a Free Discovery Call to see if we are a good fit! Sign up HERE.
xx- Christa Ordonez, PT, DPT
Your PT and Pilates Bestie
**My blog is informational for those willing to learn about their body. If you experiencing pain and challenges with movement-be sure to reach out to me or your Local Physical Therapist. Personalized care is always safest & best!