5 Reasons that you need to be doing the 90/90 Hip Mobility

5 Reasons why You should be doing 90/90 every day:

  1. It will improve both your hips' flexibility- at the same time. This dual efficiency is a love/hate relationship!

  2. Improving your hip's ability to rotate into external and internal rotation will help you feel great with squats, lunges, bending down and getting on/off floors, chairs and in/out from cars. I kid you not- I will work with people for several sessions in 90/90 and never have them squat. And then one day- I ask them to squat - and they are blown away that they are in a low squat without much practice!

  3. Getting into 90/90 position regularly teaches you how to relax your nervous system. This is important because chronic pain usually puts us in a state of 'fight or flight' and we have to get ourselves out of it aka down regulate our nervous system! I won't lie to you- it is not a relaxing position to get into when you begin. Because this position is challenging you to your end range- your nervous can freak out. You might cramp, spasm, and just want to bail! So you have a few ways to navigate this. (1) Sit on a pillow to elevate your bottom (You will see in the video below). And (2) learn how to breathe in the discomfort. To train your brain to relax in the discomfort. I believe this teaches us a lot more than just hip mobility. This teaches us how to conquer what is hard and overcome moments of threat. Now isn't that a beautiful thing!

  4. You will literally feel like a new human. Not my words- but from the words of many others. If you practice 90/90 regularly- the amount freedom you will feel is amazing. The lack of tension is indescribable. My family called it "Juicy Joints" one day and it just stuck.

  5. You are providing your body a form of joint health. We know we can take supplements for joint health. But Mobility training focuses specifically on the joints and helps improve the tissue health from the cellular level. Increasing range of motion and workspace will send the brain messages to build up the soft tissue of the joints. Want to avoid arthritis? Do Mobility training. Want to overcome early stages of arthritis? Do Mobility training.

OK thats it- I won't overload on all things Hip Mobility!

Are you ready to move with me and try it out?

Below is a 15 minute video to follow along, learn and find your end ranges of hip movement.

It will help you with tension in your back, hips and knees.

No-you won't break a sweat, yes-you will have to breathe, and yes you will feel better by the end of it!

You can do these moves every day, or at least 3 times a week and you for sure will experience good changes in your body. Great thing is - as you get familiar with these intro moves- you won't need the video to follow along! And you can just do them on the floor for a few minutes a day while watching TV (that's the way my hubby does it).

My hope is that I can make the world a better place- one set of hips at a time!!

XX- Christa Ordonez, your PT and Pilates Bestie


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The ONE thing that ALL my clients have to work on in order to have a successful recovery.