The ONE thing that ALL my clients have to work on in order to have a successful recovery.

Would you believe me if I told you that EVERY person that I have worked with that has chronic or recurring pain in the neck, upper back, low back or pelvic floor all have ONE thing in common. And that ONE thing is dysfunction in their breathing!

Would you believe me if I told you that regardless of all the work that you do with mobility, rehab, and strength training- that if you shallow breathe or hold your breath with exercise- you will never be able to fully optimize your potential, performance, and grow away from dysfunction.

It has taken me YEARS to see this pattern. And as much as I want to make people happy by treating their pain point first- I am not serving them fully until I address HOW they breathe!

I feel like I am just at the beginning of my breathing journey but I can't help and share it with you.

Here are 5 things I know to be true:

1. If you breathe shallow you will always keep your neck and shoulders in tension.

2. If you do not breathe deep you limit your rib and spine mobility from expanding and moving regularly.

3. If you do not breathe deep then your limit your thoracic diaphragm from moving which limits your pelvic floor diaphragm from moving (this one is mind blower).

4. If you do not move BOTH your diaphragms up and down- then your abdominals and spinal stabilizers will not naturally activate and lead to muscles imbalance and abdominal weaknesses and possible low back pain.

5. And if your pelvic floor diaphragm isn't moving well, you guessed it, you will have pelvic floor dysfunction.

And the list can go on!

But what is deep breathing?! Is it the full gasp of air into our belly? Not exactly. In fact breathing just into the belly can be a sign of dysfunction if we can not breathe out into the sides and back side of our ribs.

I made a VIDEO for a simple start into breathing! DO NOT SLEEP on this video. I am telling you right now- this fundamental knowledge of breathing will set you up for success. You will possibly learn how you breathe and then learn how you could do it better. There is much more to breathing but this is crucial to do well before going into actual breathing exercises and application of breathing with exercise.

Thanks for taking the time to learn with me.

I truly believe the more I can share what I know- the more positive changes I can create in this beautiful world. Feel free to let me know your thoughts about your breathing- please!

Have other topics you would want me to discuss- message me and I will do my very best to address it! I love answering questions about the human body and know that knowledge is very powerful. I want to empower YOU!

Alright friends- that's it for now. Until next time!

XX- Christa Ordonez, your PT bestie 😉


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