Are You feeling Tight?


Do you frequent massages, but never actually loosen up?

When we feel tight, we just have to stretch and massage it, right? Sorry, the answer is no, not that simple. Muscles can feel tight because they are weak.

For example- hips. Commonly people who are tight in their hips and hamstrings, foam roll and stretch and stretch without much long term change.

Furthermore, some people are very flexible but still feel “tight”? Weird I know. But that can mean the body doesn’t have the muscular control of the flexibility. So to protect the body from moving into a dangerous uncontrollable range, the brain has placed a neurological limitation, by giving the feeling of tight.

Pretty cool, I think. 

Continuing on with the hips. Here is a great way to assess and work on your hip joint movement and muscular control. It is called the 90/90 position (Pictured).

You’re hoping to create 90 degree angles at both hip and knee. With both butt bones planted on the floor as best as possible. 

This is just the beginning and good place to start and see how your hips and back feel. 

Too tight to get into the position? Or able to get in position but start cramping? 

These are all signals of your body asking for more. 

More MOBILITY: which is in fact the term used to describe FLEXIBILITY THAT IS CONTROLLED. 

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