Why I Do Pilates and Mobility Training for Myself?

-It’s feeling like a badass on the mat/reformer, which translates to being a badass in my life. I can overcome challenging situations and people, because I have already instilled the strength within myself.

-It’s going on vacation and not letting the trail length or difficulty scare me. (Can you find me in the picture overlooking the Grand Canyon).

-It's gratification in feeling good with movement, playing hard with my kids and fully enjoying it. Instead of feeling like I have to "pay for it after". 

-It’s sleeping on the floor or different couches while I have slumber parties with my best friends, yes still doing slumber parties at age 30 something. Or camping in the backyard and wherever else in this world. Feeling the aches when I get up-but making them vanish after I do Pilates and Mobility movements.

-It’s feeling like I am still a big KID, because really I never want to grow up!

The TRUTH IS: We're not getting younger. And once we are in the 30s, the bodily aches are signaling us to make some changes. Doesn't have to be drastic, 10-30 minutes of daily movement practice to address the joints and keep them juicy. 

Oh ya, juicy joints is a thing. 

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