Train on Your Own Time


This pandemic has been teaching us a lot. As a mom with school age kids - have dealt with school shut downs and different virtual learning models, there’s one word that’s really surfaced:

March 2020- schools shut down and kids had to stay at home. For my kids, they had to watch recordings and do the activities , then follow up with their teacher afterwards. While it sucked for my first grader navigating this model- it’s been a new model I already started with my adult clients- I just didn’t know what to call it!

Asynchronous Private Training is exactly that! I first see how You move, find out what’s weak or needs better mobility- then I send you a video that you will do as your Home Exercise program, until I see you next time. In the video I’m cuing you like crazy, telling you where to feel it, not feel it, and how to get there. It is a method of training your brain and breath to create lasting change. We then regroup in person or virtually to fit both of our schedules, while working on your goals together! I get you in my Monthly Membership program called the Movement Library. Giving you access to all my rehab/mobility and Pilates Videos. Having you simultaneously do private training and online demand videos to navigate our busy schedules.

The best part (for some of us)- is you don’t have to work with someone face to face every time! Access to these videos can decrease the need for weekly private training. Some people don’t like/need that much attention with every workout!

This has been a win/win method.

Grateful to be given this opportunity in helping people feel better. I can bravely say: I am doing my calling and purposeful work.

Check out my free resources and get yourself moving for FREE.

💚 Christa

Becca Wood

Becca is a website designer and developer based in Dallas, TX.

Why I Do Pilates and Mobility Training for Myself?


Pilates is the Answer.